Data Use Application 001
Lead applicant organisation name
Name of the legal entity that signs the contract to access the data.
INSIGHT Data Use Case Exemplar.
A Collaboration involving Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, supported by Roche Genentech.
Project title
The title of the project/research study request that the applicant is investigating through the use of health data.
Clinical audit and service improvement research study to analyse how the COVID-19 lockdown and associated interruption of ophthalmic services impacted on a selected population with incident neovascular age-related macular degeneration in England.
Lay summary
A concise and clear description of the project. This should outline the problem, objective and the expected outcomes in language that is understandable to the general public.
The global spread of COVID-19 and the pandemic response resulted in the shutdown of non-essential services. The Royal College of Ophthalmologists published guidance and advice for ophthalmology services during the COVID-19 pandemic response and associated shutdown leading to an interruption of ophthalmic services in England. In order to produce information to inform delivery of best care following the loss of services during the COVID-19 shutdown, this clinical audit research study seeks to answer the question of how the shutdown and associated interruption of ophthalmic services impacted the population of patients with incident neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) in England.
Public benefit statement
A description in plain English of the anticipated outcomes, or impact of project on the general public.
The study will produce a description of the period trends of urgent referrals for and new diagnoses of nAMD pre-COVID-19 compared to during the COVID-19 pandemic. This information will be used to outline period trends of delays in treatment for nAMD as a consequence of the pandemic shutdown, including estimating the number of nAMD cases awaiting treatment initiation and the impact of a delay in nAMD treatment initiation by month, specifically cases of legal blindness and cases of driving ineligibility. The research study will also quantify the size of different groups in need of treatment to inform potential treatment strategies as NHS services resume in support of patient clinical care planning and delivery at Moorfields and University Hospitals Birmingham.
Latest approval date
The last date the data access request for this project was approved by a data custodian.
18 September 2020.
Dataset(s) name
The name of the dataset(s) being accessed.
Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust AMD data, and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust AMD data.
Access type
Determines whether the data will be accessed with an Trusted Research Environment (TRE) or via data release.
Data Licence Agreement between the collaborating organisations using secure and controlled data analysis environments.
Data sensitivity level
The level of identifiability of the data being accessed, as defined by Understanding Patient Data.